UK commissions: Channel 4 orders “Poison” doc, “New Life in the Sun” spin-off; BBC Factual preps “Chess Masters”
Channel 4 bringing back “Educating Yorkshire” for 2025
Channel 4 ups Pomeroy, Handley as part of senior commissioning team restructure
UK commissions: BBC Two sets ABBA doc; Channel 4 preps “Fear Clinic”
C4 commissions Expectation for doc on false grooming scandal in UK town
Channel 4 sets celeb-prison social experiment “HMP” from Shine TV
Channel 4 commissions new docs from Wonderhood, Spun Gold
Channel 4, SBS hire new commissioning editors
Extra: HBO slates Jason Momoa’s “The Climb”; C4 commissions obesity series
Channel 4 names new heads of documentary and specialist factual
BBC, C4, Sky, ITV, C5 commissioners talk factual wishlists at Sheffield Doc/Fest
Channel 4 brings back Anna Miralis, promotes Alisa Pomeroy
Channel 4 orders Spice Girls docuseries from 72 Films
C4 takes “One Punch” from Raw TV
Channel 4 adds doc commissioner