Extra: Nat Geo readies Secret Service special; Histoire chief resigns
“Jane,” “Stephen Hawking’s Favorite Places” take Jackson Hole noms
“Jane,” “60 Days In” nominated for Banff Rockie Awards
Coming Soon: “Tell Them We Are Rising,” “Ugly Delicious”
Brett Morgen’s “Jane” takes doc prize at Writers Guild Awards
Coming Soon: “Family I Had,” “Chain of Command”
Dogwoof takes “Jane” to UK, Ireland
Coming Soon: “Dream is Destiny,” “Breaking2”
Nat Geo, Nike team on doc special “Breaking2”
Coming Soon: “Planet Earth II,” “Explorer”
Nat Geo sets June air date for “I Am Rebel”
Nat Geo preps docs on LA riots, Jane Goodall
Nat Geo to relaunch ‘Explorer’ with “Warlords of Ivory”
Feature Docs
Harrison Ford-narrated aviation doc due in April
Renewed and returning: “Brain Games,” “Ink Master”
Nat Geo Studios hires Discovery’s Hasler
Nat Geo Channel sets timetable for “Eat: The Story of Food”
Nat Geo orders trio of survival series for 2015
Nat Geo orders Kal Penn data series, 9/11 special